Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Aston Villa 4-0 Bolton!! Already relegated?

When a club is going through tough times, it needs the men who matter to sit up, take notice and act in order to save it the blushes. As a Wanderers fan, I would take this opportunity to list down the men who matter for the club and what they were doing when Bolton, on the evening of 5th of April, took on a brilliant Villa side and was mauled 4-0.
Sam Allardyce:- Former Manager and messaih, we would have loved to have him in the Bolton box and not at ESPN studios where he was busy analysing their loss.Alas!
Nikolas Anelka:- The man of the season for Bolton, the savior for most part of the campaign, his transfer to Chelsea couldnt have come at more wrong a time.
Kevin Nolan:- The captain and the young leader, you would want the impact players to be present at this ever crucial time and injuries to him as well as to Ivan Campo have hit the campaign hard.
With the scenario looking as bleak as this, it wasnt a surprise that Bolton couldnt even manage a point away at Villa, though the margin of the loss did come as a shocker. With this kind of a line-up and form, I dont think theres a need for the fans to even turn up at the Reebok, as relegation seems to be a foregone conclusion.
What I feel was the only takeaway from the weekend was the fact that both Fulham and Birmingham lost, thus keeping Bolton firmly rooted at No.18 and still 4 points away from safety, no more no less as compared to last week. Ironic as it may seem, the only way for Bolton to stay up seems to be 3 other teams deciding on getting relegated.
What Bolton needs though is the likes of Nolan, Jaaskalainnen and Campo to come back quickly and take charge of the situation to rally the youngsters around them. And this needs to happen in quick time, coz every weekend from now on has the potential to decide the final outcome!!

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